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Hammer Nutrition

Hammer Nutrition - Sustained Energy, 32 Servings

Hammer Nutrition - Sustained Energy, 32 Servings

Regular price $79.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $79.99 CAD
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The world’s first protein-fortified sports drink still stands the test of time. Designed to provide steady energy, buffer lactic acid, and prevent lean-muscle cannibalization, this unsweetened and mild-tasting, 7:1 carb-to-protein blend has been a fan favorite since 1992. 30 years later, we’ve taken it up another huge level by replacing the corn maltodextrin with massively superior tapioca maltodextrin. Superior because of far less processing, guaranteed no GMO content, lower amounts of sodium and higher amounts of naturally occurring potassium, and a more-alkaline pH. Tapioca maltodextrin has the same Glycemic Index (GI) as other forms of maltodextrin, so you get the fast-acting energy that you’re looking for. Coupled with that, tapioca maltodextrin has a lower Dextrose Equivalent (DE), which means more polysaccharide (complex carb) chains for even longer-lasting energy and endurance.

Tapioca is the sugar and corn alternative we’ve been wanting to bring to you for years is finally here!

Whether you’ve been using Sustained Energy for 30 years or are thinking of trying it for the first time, you are going to be impressed with this 2.0 version, guaranteed!

Sustained Energy is especially popular with ectomorphic, hyper-metabolic body types with limited fat stores who struggle to maintain muscle mass during high-volume training.

The original ultra fuel, NEW and improved
  • Stable energy levels, hour after hour
  • Non-Acidic, lactic acid buffering
  • Spares muscle mass

    made in usavegankosherno added sugars

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